Agency Partner

Alignment, Synergy, & Enablement: The Pillars of Success for Mojo Media & Terminus

Carina Shahin
May 25, 2021
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Agency Partner
May 25, 2021

Alignment, Synergy, & Enablement: The Pillars of Success for Mojo Media & Terminus

“If you build the right partnerships and you know, the financial benefits can be huge.”

Building a successful partner program takes work and patience. For Mojo Media & Terminus, they defined their partner success by having alignment with expectations, enthusiasm, and plenty of enablement showcased in a fun and exciting way. Listen in to how this agency & technology company used the above to create a strong partnership and even stronger relationship.

“If you build the right partnerships and you know, the financial benefits can be huge.” 

Welcome Caitlin Matchett and Nikole Rose to the show!


[00:03:15] Intros

[00:06:12] When and why Terminus launched their program

[00:14:35] What goes into a successful partnership

[00:21:20] Aspects of an agency partner program to ensure success

[00:26:58] Value of partner training and certs

[00:28:58] Financial incentives of partnerships

[00:31:59] Caitlin’s advice

Resources: - The leading sending platform. - Partner tracking and payouts. - A free account mapping solution.

Episode Transcript


[00:03:15] Carina: So I think it would be really helpful for our listeners to first understand more about who you are what your companies do.

[00:03:23] So, Nicole, let's start with you. Can you just give a brief overview of mojo media labs and your role? 

[00:03:29] Nicole: [00:03:29] I would be happy to. Thank you. So mojo media labs is a digital marketing agency but we're really focused on helping scaling B2B companies grow and how we do this is you know, in essence, really by solving their sales and marketing challenges so they can actually grow.

[00:03:45]And we've ultimately found that kind of our clients have four main challenges that keeps. From growing and scaling. And that's usually consists of random acts of random acts of marketing and sales. They really don't know what they should be doing and in what order, so they're all over the place. They might have unclear messaging that makes it difficult for virus understand even what they're selling.

[00:04:04]They're overwhelmed by complexity and around technology tools. The marketing landscape and then just a lack of necessary kind of resources you know, to be able to implement the programs needed to grow. So that's an essence kind of what mojo does and what my role at mojo is. Is to make sure that we're creating and implementing the business strategies so that we can meet our own growth goals.

[00:04:27]I spend a lot of my time. I'm actually a very positive person by nature, but I spend a lot of my time forward thinking about where our likely problems or obstacles are going to be. And then hopefully try to work ahead of time to eliminate some of those issues before they both boil up. So.

[00:04:44] Nothing. So that's what I do. I love it. 

[00:04:45] Carina: We got a group of positive ladies here today. And, and this brings us to, obviously you guys have a partnership with Terminus. So I'm going to hand it over to you. Caitlyn, can you share a quick overview on Terminus role entails? Yeah, for 

[00:04:59] Caitlin: sure. Hi, everyone. Super excited to be here today.

[00:05:02] So I am the strategic Alliance manager here at Terminus. I was previously with the six, 13 email signature marketing for those of you out there. Who may have heard that floating around somewhere before, but started as an SDR there and got into really helping build out the partnership program there.

[00:05:19] And then we were acquired by Terminus. So now I'm helping run partnerships over here, really building out the program success side with our strategic partnerships. So it's going really well. We are growing fast but at a super high level, Terminus is a. Full funnel account-based marketing platform. So we provide our customers with features and functionalities that really allow them to target their audiences.

[00:05:44] Engage those audiences across multiple channels and then activating and arming their sales teams with this engagement data, and then being able to measure the success of their campaigns all with our pops. 

[00:05:55] Carina: [00:05:55] Great stuff. So while I have you Katelyn, I'd love to learn a little bit more about your partner department at Terminus, how it was created and really what that like aha moment was when your exacts were realizing that they really needed a partnership department.

[00:06:11] Yeah. 

[00:06:12] Caitlin: [00:06:12] Great question. So looking back, the Terminus partner program has come a very, very long way since I was brought on over from the acquisition of six stir. So starting in August of last year is when we brought on Jason, AK ERB for everyone that knows him as out there on LinkedIn to really help.

[00:06:30]You know, lead the partnerships programs. So internally partnerships have always been a focus, but with bringing Jason on and most recently, John Sharp, who is our VP of strategic partnerships, we're really doubling down to expand our partnership program and a variety of areas. And my personal opinion though, I think that kind of aha moment came when we acquired three companies last year alone.

[00:06:56] So. Six stir ramble, chat, grow flair. And when you expand like that and have a lot of additional functionality within your platform, there becomes a really great opportunity, you know, to partner with agencies like mojo media, to help run Terminus campaigns on behalf of their clients. And you know this in doses of the world to optimize on integration opportunities.

[00:07:18] Carina: [00:07:18] That's something I really want to touch on. Like, what are the types of partners you look to work with today and how do you work with them? And, you know, obviously, you know, we're chatting with Nicole too, so it'd be nice to understand, you know, how you guys found mojo and really. What made them a great partner for you guys to want to work with?

[00:07:38] Caitlin: [00:07:38] Yeah. So when thinking first about kind of like partners to potentially work with, we're looking at their focus of ABM efforts and full funnel marketing alignment on our ICP is, you know, if there's no real alignment there and our client basis a partnership probably doesn't make the most sense. And then of course, I think this is kind of the most important piece is the synergy between the two of us.

[00:08:00] So if there isn't good synergy to build the foundations of trust and a partnership, then what are you doing? Right. Like that's kind of the whole point building those foundations there. But when working with a partner is important to have consistent communication, transparency, alignment, and this is something that we do extremely well with mojo.

[00:08:19]From like a monthly call cadence getting a majority of their team partners certified to working on some really great, we have some awesome co-marketing stuff on the horizon here, but these are just a couple of ways that we collaborate. Really well with mojo. 

[00:08:34] Carina: [00:08:34] I think another really good word for the synergy too, is like enthusiasm.

[00:08:39] You really need that enthusiasm from both sides of the partnership in order to make it work. And just hearing you guys speak a little bit already, you know, you can tell that stair Nicole, I want to ask you the same kind of question. So when you when mojo first started to realize, you know, oh, we, we should be partnering with these different types of companies.

[00:08:59] What were. The few things that you notice where, okay, these are the partners that we have to go after. Was it more so of what your clients needed or really how you wanted to shape mojo as a whole? 

[00:09:11] Nicole: [00:09:11] Sure, absolutely. And Caitlin, it's so funny. I have to say, and this is, this is why our partnership works so incredibly well.

[00:09:17] So I kind of wrote out what my picture would be in terms of a successful partnership and partner. And you had some different like words, but basically we said exactly the same thing, and this is why this is why it works. So so that's great. But yeah, just to go back and give you give you a little history, I'm kind of How we got to the point to where we, we, we tremendously value the relationship with our partners.

[00:09:44] It's quite frankly, the most important some of the most important next to our team members that we have a most important relationship. So. When when mojo was founded in 2008 we really lacked direction, honestly. We are in essence, kind of a project-based marketing agency. It was actually in 2012 that micros who was the CEO of mojo and he's also my husband.

[00:10:06] So it's not a coincidence of the last name. But he, when he discovered it was a technology platform called HubSpot. At the time they, they were a marketing automation technology platform who had actually coined the term inbound marketing, which inbound marketing is a pretty well-known, you know, marketing strategy today.

[00:10:26] And as his background, he was a scientist turned entrepreneur. When he discovered that you could take marketing into data he was intrigued. And so we looked at the framework, we decided to kind of build our business initially around this inbound marketing framework. And at the time HubSpot was really early on in their partner program.

[00:10:45]I will say, I think they they are one of the gold. Like standard anymore. Cause they've, you know, not really evolve their partner program. But we learned about it and we jumped in with both feet. And so we were actually one of their very first partners back in 2012. And to this day that partnership was hands down, the best decision that we ever made.

[00:11:05] And we're, we're currently actually a diamond partner with HubSpot many more, like in the top point, 2% of partners around the world with them. And so it really that, that relationship. Showed us how important partnerships really were. And by the way, also for them as a business to, to this day partnerships since 2012 to now, actually I think it was 2020 make-up over 40% of HubSpot's revenue is through, is through their partner program.

[00:11:33] So, and they're, and they're growing, I mean, probably at a similar rate as Terminus as well. Right. They're going, you know, very, very fast. And so that's a, that's a huge opportunity. So. As mojo evolved. We really started to focus you know, in the B2B sector and hyper focusing more on account-based marketing as a methodology.

[00:11:53]Very similar in many ways to, to inbound, just more of a focus version, if you will. We like to say ABM we're, we're fishing with a spear versus the net. And as we started to implement ABM for our clients and. You know, 2017 timeframe, we quickly found ourselves needing to expand our technology is that to best serve our clients.

[00:12:11] And so. ABM at that time were very new. Can you believe it? It was only just what a few years ago. And, you know, things have changed so much, but you know, in, in our normal kind of progressive style, it was like, oh, who's this Terminus company. So it was actually either in, I can't remember now it was either in late 2017, early 2018.

[00:12:34]Mike was like, I'm going to go meet I want to go and meet this guy, sane Graham who started Terminus. So he just reached out, he found a common connection and he was like, Hey, can I just come see you? And Sandra was like, oh, sure. So Mike does jump. He jumped on a plane to Atlanta. I think same room had no idea of the lengths in which Mike was going to, to meet him.

[00:12:54]So we all quickly became friends and over the course of three years we found our agency using you know, really. Kind of a whole wide variety of some new technologies which started to become hard for our team in particular. So after a few years of, you know, quite frankly, even though we knew Terminus, we started to get sucked into all sorts of other technologies and decided, why are we doing this?

[00:13:19] Let's take the same kind of focus that we had initially with inbound marketing and HubSpot, and let's leverage it and do the same thing for account based marketing and hence Terminus, which I'll get into a little bit more later, but we figured out who our preferred tech stack are, the partners and And made decisions on who we're going to partner with and move forward.

[00:13:39] I love 

[00:13:39] Carina: [00:13:39] that. That's such a heartwarming story. And I was going to ask you later on, too, like who reached out to who, you know, who was the first one to do that? It's so interesting. Mike was really willing to go literally the extra mile, like phew a hundred miles and, and I'm try to work out this partnership.

[00:13:56] So it's super easy. And that just shows how eager he is to And I think a lot of teams struggle at first, especially with trying to identify like, well, who is the perfect partner for us? You know, who's your ideal, what's the ideal partner profile. So that's really nice that you guys knew exactly what you wanted based on the space and what you were working in.

[00:14:17]And based off of previous partners, you guys had already worked. With for a few years. And even though you couldn't kick things off the ground right away, you never stopped working there. And then you put a lot more time and effort into it later on when you realized this is where we should be. That's really interesting.

[00:14:33] I love that story. Thank you. 

[00:14:35] Nicole: [00:14:35] Thank you. And if, if I could add just a little bit to that. So even though the relationship was, was in place and actually over the years and Caitlyn, I'm not even sure if. If you might be aware of this, but we Mike and I were both featured on the flip, my funnel podcast.

[00:14:49] I think we did four of the episodes on that. Which are, it was called culture, eats ABM for breakfast, which was fun. And then we're actually also in the book that was written, the ABM is B2B. In several different areas as well. So the relationship was there, but, you know, with that, actually wasn't the main reason that we chose Terminus.

[00:15:06] So speaking about like what, what goes into a successful partnership? We just realized that we were aligned in so many different areas and ultimately, you know, kind of what Caitlin said is you know, she said, you have to make sure you have the same ICP or ideal client profile. Right. So ultimately we realized number one, we're serving.

[00:15:27] The same kind of client, right. We're selling into the same kind of client. But I will say even more than that, like, just from a culture perspective and personality, like, you know, it was just incredibly clear that we were very well aligned from a, you know, from a culture, from a values perspective and all of that, which was really important to us.

[00:15:46] So it was a no-brainer quite frankly for us where it came to the ABM platform and couldn't be happier about it. Oh, 

[00:15:52] Carina: [00:15:52] I love it. It's such a cute story. Yeah. And it, it always, it always works out in the end. And look, you guys now talking on a podcast together, so yeah. I love to see it. Now what were some of the first few, obviously, you know, you want to make sure you align in all ways before you start your partnership, you know, you guys identify that you, you know, are really selling to the same people.

[00:16:12] I'll say my CP, everything like that, but what were those first few steps you took to really kick off that partnership to make sure it was successful now? Did that involve internal training PR announcement blogs, customer, case studies. I'd love for you to list them all. And Nicole or Caitlin, whichever one of you wants to answer this.

[00:16:32] You can just go for it. Yeah. 

[00:16:34] Caitlin: [00:16:34] You can start off. And then if whatever you want to add, that works. I think I know that like Nicole mentioned, there was a relationship kind of foundational. Foundation set before I joined the Terminus team. But thinking about when we really got more of a framework set is when Jason came on board, had those conversations with Nicole and that's when I was introduced to her.

[00:16:54] But some of those initial steps really was making sure that. Everyone from mojo had access to Terminus academy, which is where they can get certified all courses. All that kind of stuff is housed there. And then from there we got a demo scheduled. So the broader team was able to ask one of our solutions, couldn't solutions, consultants any, and all questions on our tech.

[00:17:16]We've had. You know, sales and product enablements and just, I think staying closely aligned and transparent with each other along the way is kind of how we kick things off in terms of the partnership. But if there's anything to add, Nicole, feel free obviously to do so. 

[00:17:31] Nicole: [00:17:31] Yeah, absolutely. You know, it's interesting in, in my experience creating a successful partner program It's a lot of work.

[00:17:38] Right. It's completely worth it, but it's, it's so much more than just saying, okay, Hey, you're my you're my partner. Let's go. And so I think a lot of people don't, a lot of companies don't think through that. So what we actually did prior to is put together in essence kind of a, like a checklist, like here's some of the things that we need to make sure as we're entering into, you know, a new partnership to create that platform for success.

[00:18:04]So we kind of have a playbook that we go through and many of the things, you know, center around obviously educating our internal team and not just about the platform, but w WOL very clearly they play in the success. You know, of that partnership. We obviously did a lot of training you know, for, for the key members of our team on the Terminus platform.

[00:18:25] So as Katelyn said, they have a training academy, which is. Incredibly important. That is like so important to make sure that, you know, everyone is, is kept up to date you know, on the platform and things of that nature. We updated all of our sales materials and we even put a page on our website that talked all about the relationship and just put it out there.

[00:18:47]So that, you know everyone knew that. This was an important partnership for us. We created a plan to sell into our current clients as well as also, you know within our prospecting, how we communicated in the sales process and educated about you know, Terminus so that we can hopefully continue to bring on a steady stream of clients.

[00:19:06]We even created an internal dashboard and tracking mechanisms for, for deals. And this is outside of. You know, systems that Terminus has, which partner relationship management system and things like that. You know, we were like, we want to make sure we're always talking. So like we have a monthly call, which is awesome.

[00:19:23] And we even have a channel in our slack between Terminus and mojo, which is so awesome. I love 

[00:19:31] Carina: [00:19:31] it. Yeah. You're and you said it completely on point, like it, it is not easy to create a really successful partner program that takes time. And a lot of people do just say, let's partner. And then it's like, what are the next steps from there?

[00:19:46]So for some people that are listening that may be only have you know, very few resources to help them build out this partner program. What would you say? Like maybe the one to three most crucial things and part of that enablement and You know, training processes that they should have, like right away, whether that is like a training place where you can go and get, you know, Terminix academy or something like that.

[00:20:11] What would you say from your side, Nicole, one or two things are the most important that each partner program 

[00:20:16] Nicole: [00:20:16] should have, right? Yeah, for sure. Well, I would say from, from the company who's choosing a partner, like actually, you know, only choose like one partner or two. Like if you don't have many, much manpower don't overt, you know, don't try to partner with too many.

[00:20:29] Companies, if you will be really serious about that and just. Commit to your partner. But you know, other than not having some kind of training academy is critical having something, especially that we can, you can show like certifications and things of that nature and kind of have that, that badge that you've been able to go through it.

[00:20:47] And then, you know, I will say that just, it sounds super simple. But just having one, like main point of contact at the partner to where you know, anybody in our team can code to go to. And even if that person doesn't have the answer, they know where to go. So just having that support in there, because you just never know what questions are going to come up and Believe it or not.

[00:21:06] That's not always the case. Yeah. That's 

[00:21:08] Carina: [00:21:08] really good point. I, I love all that feedback. Katelyn, what about you? What are some, maybe like one or two aspects of a partnership that you think people just starting to grow their program should have right away to ensure success? 

[00:21:20] Caitlin: [00:21:20] Yeah, definitely. I think, I mean, not to repeat be repetitive here, but Nicole had hit the nail on the head, like having a main contact is.

[00:21:28] Critical. You wouldn't imagine a map, the amount of people that will reach out to our sales team in general. And they have conversations that, you know, the partner team doesn't even know about where it's like, we need to be tracking these things to have, you know, partner attribute in revenue. If that is that being the case, then things that are floating around that we don't know about.

[00:21:46] So having that, you know, main liaison within your company to make sure that you're able to kind of keep track of everything and the flow is going well. And if there's any problems that arise, that you're there to be able to kind of keep guard, I think that's important. And then obviously the certification portion, being able to show that, you know, from an agency standpoint to, to clients to say, you know, we're Terminus partner certified, we, we know what we're talking about or to show it off on the website or LinkedIn or.

[00:22:14] Whatever that might look like and having those resources that we're able to provide through the PRM through Terminus academy. You know, as a point of reference, if a partner contact, where to reach out to us and say, you know, I'm not really that familiar in this product line, can you kind of guide me and being able to have those resources to point them to, I think is really critical.

[00:22:34] So. It's kind of where my mind goes to. I 

[00:22:37] Carina: [00:22:37] think those are both very, very, very good assets and like crucial parts of making a partnership very successful. So it is having a main point of contact and then having some type of training or certification process. And I think that's something a lot of companies forget to do right away, but it is super crucial.

[00:22:56] And then also, if you are a smaller company, Start and just focus on a few handful of partners before you go and release your wings and start getting hundreds. So love the feedback and I couldn't agree more. So when we're talking about, obviously, You know, executing on all of this training and part of your partnership.

[00:23:18] I'd love to learn more about some of the tools you two are using. Whether that is, you know, a PRM, what you're using for the training academy in particular a Cosell platform. Caitlin, I'd love to see if you can answer this first and, and share a little bit more about some of those tools. I 

[00:23:33] Caitlin: [00:23:33] can, I can kind of cover this.

[00:23:35]So we are connected actually on three different platforms. So share work, which is our account mapping platform. Torchlight, which we use for our PRM and then learn upon is our current LMS system. So. We use share work to really identify those mutual customers of ours for co-marketing opportunities prospects that overlap with their customer base and vice versa for warm introductions to each other's teams to really gain, you know, those additional insights on the account to get strategic together, kind of from both angles.

[00:24:07] And then thinking about Torchlight which is our PRM it's used as a place to house important mutual documents, one sheeters submitted referrals tracking the progression of those referrals. So it's a really great place to provide transparency kind of into what's going on, especially in the deal cycle without having to wait on updates from, you know, one of us.

[00:24:30] And then lastly, we have Terminus academy which houses all of our training and certification courses. So the mojo team has been freaking crushing those certification courses. And I'm not, I'm not trying to get them up here either each week. I get emails like from various members of the mojo team.

[00:24:49] Asking for access to term as academy and you know, it's little things like that. That really let you know that things are going well in the partnership. I love to see it. I 

[00:24:58] Carina: [00:24:58] love that great job, mojo media. So Nicole is that is the Terminus academy. And let's say like, you know share work and maybe even the PRM.

[00:25:10] Is that something all of your Employees are leveraging at mojo media or is it just a handful of maybe some people in the direct like partner ship team 

[00:25:20] Nicole: [00:25:20] at mojo? Yeah. So great question. It depends on, it depends on you know, who the team member is. So for example, with the PRM system we've got our sales and marketing operations person who is really managing that system.

[00:25:34]So she's, she's really the one who's kind of owning that as well as like share work. And so our, our, our sales and marketing ops, her name is Leah. She's awesome. And she is really kind of that that champion you know, for, for mojo and with, and for Terminus and that conduit between the company.

[00:25:51] So her and Kaitlyn talk you know, quite a bit, and she's in those tools mainly. And then the certifications though, the you know, the trainings and all of that within the within that platform, we've got. You know, whole host of our team members in, if not, almost all of them and they're learning the platform so they know how to sell it, how to integrate, you know, how to know when to be able to integrate the features and the tools into their strategies.

[00:26:18] And then, you know, also obviously how to, how to implement. So it's a wide variety of reasons. I think it's 

[00:26:22] Carina: [00:26:22] great. And it, it shows a lot you know, Caitlin from how incredible the Terminus academy must be, that so many people are leveraging it on the mojo side. And obviously that is an in very, very important part when it comes to partner enablement.

[00:26:37]If it wasn't important, no one would be leveraging it. So that says a lot. So anyone listening, like have some type of academy or certification process because. People are going to use it, especially if they are a really great partner that wants to work with you a lot and wants to learn more about your technology.

[00:26:55]So that's great. I'm really happy for you guys on that. 

[00:26:58] Nicole: [00:26:58] I agree. And I will tell you that that, that Kaitlin Terminus, I think it was Katelyn, mainly her idea, but it also started to get around like you know, wildfire at mojo that for everyone who completed a certification, there was like a free lunch was set by terminals.

[00:27:15] So, you know, that, that was a really cool little unexpected, you know, treats and that's. Obviously not the only reason that people are going through it, but I thought that was a very cool touch, 

[00:27:25] Caitlin: [00:27:25] I think, too, just to add on to that, I mean, go to the next question, but putting like I think at the end of the day to Nicole, I know we talked about this a lot, but just like, we have fun together.

[00:27:33] And I think if you can put a fun incentive in front of it, like yes. It's academy. Yes. It's certification. Like. They, they need to do it in order to be able to sell Terminus on behalf of mojo, but also making it fun along the way. I think goes such a long way. Like, yes, it's a free lunch, but like who the heck doesn't love free lunch.

[00:27:49] So Yeah, exactly. So I think it's fun to incorporate stuff like that too, 

[00:27:54] Carina: [00:27:54] along the way. Yeah, that's so good. And definitely having a tool like share work that helps you look at first, you know, how many mutual customers do we share and obviously, you know, helping to influence opportunities you're currently working, but also helping to enhance your current customers that may not be aware of, you know, that you guys are working together.

[00:28:13]And so that's a really great strategy to then focus on and leverage, share work for. So for our final question, I really just want to ask the two of you what is something you can share with our listeners that are either, you know, starting off their partner program in the middle of it or maybe just hitting a wall and unsure of really where they should focus.

[00:28:34] What is one thing that you realized to be a huge aspect of creating a successful partner program that they should really focus on. And then another thing that may be. Was something you spent a lot of time on, but didn't really amount to anything and not necessarily a fail, but just maybe where they shouldn't spend as much time.

[00:28:56]Nicole, I will start with you. 

[00:28:58] Nicole: [00:28:58] Yeah. Okay. So I'm going to answer your question, but probably add a little bit more on to that if you don't mind. So, okay. So in just to experience, share for us one of the, one of the biggest. Quantifiable benefits for mojo has been the Referral and financial, you know, aspect of successful partnerships.

[00:29:22]So right now we have about 40 to 50% of our leads that are coming in or qualified leads are coming from our valued partners. And that's. Huge. And what's really awesome about that too, is that we know because we have aligned really well that the you know, that the potential clients that are coming our way they're really good fit for what we do.

[00:29:46] So they have a tendency to close faster you know, appreciate our services more. And then, you know, so, so from that perspective, if you build the right partnerships, you know, the, the financial benefits can be huge. And I think that goes, hopefully both ways. You know, ultimately though it's really just be very serious about, you know, who you're, who you're picking.

[00:30:05] And, and, and I really think a successful partnership is going to have, you know, really two main aspects that have to be in line. And that is number one, alignment. We talked a little bit about this, obviously having client alignment, are we serving similar clients? There needs to be that cultural alignment.

[00:30:21]Do we have similar values? Are we going to enjoy working together? And keep in mind, like, you know, that's really important because. All of a sudden this partner is an extension of our brand. You know, so Terminus is an extension of the mojo brand now, and we're putting it out there to say, this is, this is who we recommend.

[00:30:40]And so that's really important to make sure that you feel really, really great about that company. And then also is there financial alignment, right? Are the expectations you know, do they feel really good to both partners? Are they realistic? And then on top of everything though, I think it's really important to have a deep commitment and to know that this is a relationship.

[00:30:57] Just like any other relationship, right. And so you're going to need to work through potential conflicts, right? There's going to be issues that come up on both sides during the course of the relationship and to really talk through this and work through those and how can we, you know, continue to improve the relationship help participate in the growth of.

[00:31:17] Each other's businesses, you know, providing feedback and insight. Like I'm really excited now with Terminus, we're having the opportunity to, you know, have a a seat at the table as they're building an integration with our platform into HubSpot who is obviously another technology partner. You know, platform of ours and that's really important to us.

[00:31:34] So it's exciting to be at the table and take part in that you know, relationships. So, and how patients like it just takes time, you know, to see results, but, you know, just have the commitment to to make sure. But it's successful. I love 

[00:31:47] Carina: [00:31:47] that you touched on a lot of really great things there. Kaitlin.

[00:31:50] What about from you? What are some things that you want our listeners to kind of leave with as a great takeaway of, you know, what really builds a successful partnership? I would say 

[00:31:59] Caitlin: [00:31:59] ditto to everything Nicole said, plus like, just I think I've said it a little bit before, but I think before you get ahead of yourself on all of the fun, like.

[00:32:09] Co-marketing and co-selling and one sheeters and things that you can potentially do in the future. It's really, really critical to you know, set the foundations and expectations upfront on what that partnership will entail to make sure there's no haziness throughout or any questioning. I think keeping that.

[00:32:27] Open line of communication is, is so critical. But just like, like Nicole said, like any relationship in our lives, you know, whether it's a friend, a significant other or your dog, whatever, whatever that might look like having a successful partnership works when you both put the work in. So when you're able to make it mutually beneficial, you keep that bridge of communication open and, and have some fun.

[00:32:49] Like I said before, putting incentives in front of the partner team, Creating some sort of maybe like partner day event. I don't know. We're looking into doing something like that, but I think just Communication transparency, having fun. And always being there for one another, like you would your own friend that's when things kind of flourish.

[00:33:07] And I think that's when a true partnership is successful. 

[00:33:10] Carina: [00:33:10] It seems to be a very reoccurring theme, but I think I completely agree with everything you both just said. So set expectations have enthusiasm and alignment. Have training, but make it fun are all great aspects and things that mojo media labs and Terminus have touched on and really held true to, to ensure a successful partnership.

[00:33:33] And you guys have been working together for several years now. And I think I am. You know, just in awe of the partnership that you guys have in place. And it's been a pleasure having you both on the podcast, so you can share all of your learnings and successes with our listeners. So thank you Katelyn.

[00:33:51] Thank you, Nicole. I appreciate you both. And I'm looking forward to, and may maybe get to have this sounds great. Thanks Corrina. Of course. Thank you guys.

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