SaaS Partnerships Team Lead

The 5 pillars of an effective partner enablement w/ Rob Sale from Vidyard

Alex Glenn
February 1, 2021
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SaaS Partnerships Team Lead
February 1, 2021

The 5 pillars of an effective partner enablement w/ Rob Sale from Vidyard

"First and foremost, understanding exactly what their go to market is and how HubSpot enables them to do their services and what they sell and how they sell it."

This is a great first episode to this new podcast format where Rob Sale discusses what his program is, how it operates, who is necessary, and what they do with their partners daily to achieve partner activation and enablement.

Main sections:

[00:03:02] Vidyard’s partner program

[00:06:08]  Vidyard’s partner stack

[00:09:13] 5 pillars of an effective partner ecosystem

[00:12:26] Creating  a successful partner track

[00:15:38] How to facilitate successful partnership

[00:18:46] Using certification to get partners to the next level

[00:22:23] Timeline for partners to be co-selling

[00:25:59]  Essential steps to ensure partners are progressing

[00:30:01] The importance of the initial accountability session with the executives

[00:32:16] Pitfalls of account mapping and how to prevent them


Resources: - The leading sending platform. - Partner tracking and payouts. - A free account mapping solution. - to learn more about Vidyard.

Episode Transcript

Rob Sale, Sr. Manager Alliances and Partner Development at

[00:02:36] Alex Glenn: [00:02:36] That gives us an idea of where you're at and the progression and the timeline and the growth curve, whatever it is, if your partner program. So I think that's a good place to start. And the other aspect of this that we want to lay out first and foremost is, you know, what is your partner program?

[00:02:52] And there's three components of that. Uh, first. Are your team, you know, who is working with you to get the job done? You don't have to mention names, but titles and their main roles let's start. 

[00:03:02] Rob Sale: [00:03:02] Yeah. So we have a couple of different partner programs that we're running here at vid yard. And, uh, I'll, I'll focus in on the ones that I take care of, but just to cover the gamut, we have strategic partners and alliances.

[00:03:15] We have technical partnerships. We have, uh, also Cosell and referral partnerships, and we're also kicking off, uh, affiliate. Programming as well. So we've got quite a range of partnership programs for the size of company that we are and what we do, but video being so horizontal, uh, there is a lot of opportunity there that we want to capture.

[00:03:38] And actually I should add another one. We are kicking off another, uh, segment, uh, focused solely around. Uh, consultants and consultancies specifically in sales, uh, in the sales category. So, um, so that's, that's where we, uh, that's what we have in our partner programming today. What I look after specifically is our Cosell and referral programming for agencies.

[00:04:03] And I guess the, uh, your question being, you know, how do we resource that? What do we, what do we do to make that successful? Uh, there's really three main functions in that, uh, uh, in that sphere. One is a partner manager. So the partner manager is responsible for not only, um, helping recruit new partners, but also helping, uh, existing partners with their go to market activity and with their co-selling motion between us and our sales team.

[00:04:39] There is a partner enablement manager or a team of partner enablement managers, and they are responsible for responsible for the launch onboarding kickoff skill, a skill development certification of our partners. And that certification means the development of services around video are things that our partners will sell.

[00:05:03] To their customers and to ours, uh, to help drive revenue for them. And, uh, finally partner marketing. How do we generate more demand? How do we get our brands associated together and get that material ready so that our partners are ready for the game ready to get out there and be successful at driving new opportunities quickly rather than, uh, uh, having a lengthy hard, difficult time at, at doing it.

[00:05:31] So that's how our team is structured to power the agency channel. Yeah. And you, you went 

[00:05:36] Alex Glenn: [00:05:36] ahead a little bit, but I like it. Um, we're going to speed, right. But the components of your partner program, one of the more well built out partner programs that I've experienced, uh, for what we would consider still must start up and your program is robust.

[00:05:51] It's a beast. Uh, you've got a lot of people on the team, a lot of different personas you're going after. A lot of different levels of the partnership program and a big go to market strategy that we're going to get into today. That's part of partner enablement. The other aspect of this premise that we want to set is your stack.

[00:06:05] What are you using to manage and grow your program? 

[00:06:08] Rob Sale: [00:06:08] Yeah, I'm feeling really fortunate around the stack. We are quite well equipped here and again, that's, um, you know, management here realizing opportunity and, uh, really showing the dedication here, uh, towards our partner program. Uh, we run our CRM is Salesforce tends to be sort of the record of truth, uh, sitting on top of that.

[00:06:32] We have a partner stack, so we're just at the end stage of implementation and ready to launch that to our partner. Channels. So that's going to bring a whole new partner experience for our partners. In addition to that, we also have cross being to help with our go to market motion, where we are finding a mapping, uh, accounts against each other, to find those quick wins and really establish quickly opportunities that we can work together and jointly.

[00:07:00] And then on top of that, sitting on top of Salesforce, we have. Uh, HubSpot and HubSpot really runs our entire PA partner org, uh, from a sales enablement point of view, sales acceleration, enabling it. So we were running HubSpot sales pro for example, for all of our communication with our partners. And then we are also running HubSpot marketing pro for powering our marketing, our sorry, our partner comms, and that sits on top of Salesforce and it will integrate with partner stack.

[00:07:32] So. Um, fairly robust partner stack or a fairly robust, you know, partner tech stack, uh, to help us with all aspects of. 

[00:07:43] Alex Glenn: [00:07:43] Um, our development. That's great. Yeah. And, um, everything's pretty well integrated. Uh, sounds like all those tools are native and your team is working really closely with the HubSpot team.

[00:07:56] So that's, that's a great place to kind of, um, lead into the ecosystem question and the discussion that we have today, which is around partner enablement. And how to get a partner that's in your program to become quote unquote activated as soon as possible and work with them closely to bring that good old fashioned revenue, uh, that we're going to talk to Dan about here shortly.

[00:08:20] Um, so you know, to snowball and dovetail this discussion into partner enablement, I want to talk to you about the ecosystem itself and what makes up an effective. Partner ecosystem and team. What do you think are bare minimums to have a quote unquote ecosystem, if you can call it that and what are some of the, I would say the first couple of roles that you need to run an effective partner enablement 

[00:08:48] Rob Sale: [00:08:48] system.

[00:08:49] From the ecosystem perspective. Uh, really, I think you gotta be looking like a SAS companies, gotta be looking at a couple of pillars, right. To, to get going on. Um, at bid yard, I kind of mentioned it at the beginning there, but there's sort of the, there's the strategic. Um, there is the service, there is the sales and there, um, is the technology, right?

[00:09:13] If you were kind of looking at building out a partner program and what your opportunities are. Partnerships the outcome of partnerships at the end of the day should be driving think a very efficient and effective scale into your business. Um, the way you get there, uh, through an effective partner program is making sure that your partners are successful in lining up your program to make that happen.

[00:09:34] Um, but yeah, so from, you know, from ecosystem perspective, there's a lot of like strategically there's there's those four buckets and then. I would say, uh, to, to have an effective partner ecosystem, you need to have, there's really like five elements in that. Um, right. You need, you need the adoption of your, of your tech.

[00:09:59] I believe you need the, uh, onboarding and training and the skills development on that. Uh, and that includes things like certification. Um, you need the go to market motion. So that would be, um, your co marketing and branding and so on, and you need your sales assistance and help helping them close that business, helping them work effectively with, uh, with the sales team in there.

[00:10:28] Um, and you need to help them develop those services that are ultimately going to drive their business. So if you have those five things lined up, you're going to generate a very effective partner ecosystem. And I mentioned the way we re resourced that as, as before was. Through partner managers, partner, enablement managers, and partner marketing managers in there, all sort of building that, um, making each one of those stages very, very effective.

[00:10:58] And, uh, I think, I think the number one thing that I mentioned around like adoption of the technology could be one of the, the biggest piece is that we make sure is a really, really solid piece of our go to market with our partners. Um, if you have greater widespread adoption of your technology that is helping their business and they see the advantages day in, day out, it is a huge enabler for them, um, to have confidence around your solution, confidence in delivering that to their existing customers.

[00:11:31] And it really puts the entire agency in a mode where they are always thinking about your solution and finding ways to help their customers. It's amazing how much more the revenue acceleration the joint opportunities happen when you've got really solid adoption across the entire agency on your technology.

[00:11:52] And I'll give you an example. Recently, we had a very, very small outage where maybe a hundred clients were out for 24 hours on something the, who are the first people to call us who are the first people knocking down our door. It was our partners. And it was a real Testament about how they cannot do their day-to-day business and how much they're relying on video being core to what they do.

[00:12:16] It was pretty awesome to see it was a bad experience, but it was awesome to see that they were the first ones on the horn talking to us. Not only from their behalf, but their clients as well. It was 

[00:12:26] Alex Glenn: [00:12:26] great. You mentioned that. So getting your agencies to really understand and implement the system to become a core part of their service offering the product itself, this case that in your scenario, in your circumstances is the sounds like the number one, um, focal point of enabling them is to teach them how to use it, to sell a service, a, to build a service around video, 

[00:12:50] Rob Sale: [00:12:50] right.

[00:12:50] Is that correct? Yeah, absolutely. And then number two is what, what is that service? Right. You know, so, um, I think, I think agencies are really confident when they, they themselves like to sell the processes and workflows, they implement internally for themselves. Um, uh, you know, our friend Richard Wood does that a lot, uh, impact us a lot, a lot of agencies that do that are really good at delivering that value to their clients as well.

[00:13:18] So. Yeah, that's number one. And then obviously you got to help them with the service. What is it? They're, they're selling skillset development training, getting them to a point where they're certified and they're confident in delivering that and then find those opportunities. Right. Let's get going and they want to do that quickly.

[00:13:35] Right? So your, your co marketing and go to market packaging, should, should. Really be about speed to success. And most of our partners do see that first win in that first 60 days, to be honest. And, um, that's a great start. And the trick then in our afterwards is, uh, continuing to, to just maintain, uh, that level of, uh, excitement and, um, continued co-selling mechanism.

[00:14:09] So. Um, yeah, that I think, I think that. If you sorta had to order it, um, that's sort of the way I would position it, right? This is 

[00:14:18] Alex Glenn: [00:14:18] hard for most teams seems to create a partnership program around because it does require buy-in from all departments, which is why we have Dan. It does require a lot of trial and error.

[00:14:28] And in most cases it requires a deep understanding of what agencies are going to do with your product in their internal practices. As well as externally some products that maybe listening may not be able to be used by the agency. Right. They may be something that is related to e-commerce where the agency is obviously not running their own e-commerce shop.

[00:14:51] Yup. And they, uh, they work with e-commerce companies, but they cannot implement Klayvio. For their internal, um, messaging, you know, it doesn't make sense. So in that world, it changes a 

[00:15:01] Rob Sale: [00:15:01] little bit, but 

[00:15:02] Alex Glenn: [00:15:02] a video card is one of those tools that agencies can use internally. They can get used to the product and then they can execute a sales process and a funnel for their clients to get them.

[00:15:14] Uh, to use the product like the agency uses it. So we call that a, um, a partner track, you know, partner services track, 

[00:15:22] Rob Sale: [00:15:22] but what in 

[00:15:23] Alex Glenn: [00:15:23] your experience, um, does it take to really understand what those 

[00:15:29] Rob Sale: [00:15:29] agencies 

[00:15:30] Alex Glenn: [00:15:30] are going to do with the product? And this may include just some, some 

[00:15:33] Rob Sale: [00:15:33] things that you had to trial and error around.

[00:15:36] Some things that you had to push 

[00:15:38] Alex Glenn: [00:15:38] out there and then maybe pull back real quickly and retract. But what does it take in your experience to really understand what the agencies are gonna do when really, how close are they going to get to your product? 

[00:15:49] Rob Sale: [00:15:49] Well, in our case, when we're working specifically and mostly with a HubSpot agency, uh, first and foremost, understanding exactly what their go to market is and how HubSpot enables them to do their services and what they sell and how they sell it.

[00:16:06] Um, is really critical, right? We, we have to be able to take an approach where we, our services really augment what they're just doing today, and they can layer them on top for added value and to make their programs even better. And so we took an approach of making sure that alignment was really, really solid when it comes to making sure that they understood exactly what to do with video.

[00:16:30] Right. How can they build it into their services? So we kind of took the HubSpot service model and said, listen, here's where, here's what you're doing today. Um, here's how you layer in video and talk specifically in their terms. Very, very specific. The other thing too, is just, you got to listen to your agency partners when we were at last time we were at inbound, I guess.

[00:16:53] Oh no, I guess. Yeah, it was, uh, 2019. We sat down and just talk to a lot of agency owners, um, lots and lots and lots. Uh, one overriding theme in that was. You know, at that point in time, HubSpot was really pushing them to become, to get into sales enablement. Their CRM was taking off. They wanted to build more competencies and services around that, uh, partners were investing in that realm, but it was fairly new game through a lot of them.

[00:17:21] Uh, up to that point, they were mostly marketing agencies. And you could tell in every discussion the ask was, how, how do I make this sales enablement play better? How do I sell? Like you sell? How do I get my customers to realize that value? So an overriding theme. Out of that inbound came out of get us to a point where we're delivering services on top of the, you know, the video sell, because that is where things are going to be going in the future.

[00:17:48] And that's what we did. That's where we started. Literally it was the overwhelming ask. So we developed a video selling certification that we could, uh, get our partners certified, get the skill set up and get them delivering that to their base. And we had a lot of great input. We launched something and have been iterating it for a year since.

[00:18:09] So it's always getting better. Like there wasn't perfect. But again, we gave them a framework, took video selling and, and really overlayed at what they already do and, and understand and gave them flexibility to tailor it to their, uh, core competencies. Um, not everybody had the ability to do everything or wanted to.

[00:18:28] And so we gave them flexibility and they could really make it their own wherever, um, you know, whatever, uh, go to market approach. They wanted to take around it. So I think those things led to ultimately to success around it. And yeah, so you really need to do. Stop and listen to hear what your partners are telling you.

[00:18:46] Yeah. 

[00:18:46] Alex Glenn: [00:18:46] Great, great tips there. And, uh, one thing that jumps out from that to me is whether or not you use a certification just to proceed and to get the partners to the next level of education around your platform and or you use the certification to show those partners. What they could potentially be selling around your product.

[00:19:07] And a good example of that I think is, is impact bound. They sell a really awesome video sales training curriculum. And this is an agency that has been working closely with video card. And it is essentially vid yard certification wrapped up in a box that they can then go and certify all of their clients on video card for a feet, something like that.

[00:19:26] I mean, what have you learned and what was the strategy around the certification when to implement it? And, uh, what it's done for you 

[00:19:32] Rob Sale: [00:19:32] guys. Yeah. So last year we focused pretty heavily on, on certification and getting our partners to a stage where they can box it up as a, as you sort of, uh, positioned it and, and take it to market.

[00:19:46] Um, you know, they doing so has, has allowed, um, our channel business to go from one of, um, yeah, we're doing some co-selling great. To, uh, uh, we're actually making your business grow, right? Like there's, there's more value in our program, um, as a result of that. So we've, we've focused heavily on certification, um, to get them to the point that they have a set of services to build around vid yard and.

[00:20:18] Fortuitously, you know, the timing has been right in that world has gone remote and so more and more agencies that adopted that earlier and now reaping the Wars like, uh, you know, impact branding and design. They have a pretty phenomenal package. That's delivering a huge amount of value to big sales teams and they're charging a lot for it.

[00:20:37] Right. It's a pretty meaty package. So through that process, though, we've had to really. Again, we've had to understand our partner's business and really guide them on tailoring the right package for them. Not everybody is going to be an impact. We've got other partners that really focus on just getting the foot in the door, the startup program, the quick start value program.

[00:21:01] Right. And we've tailored. Video selling services to reflect that, and they want a quick win and the opportunity to show value and then grow that client into a longer term retainer after that. So it plays a different role in purpose. So we've learned to be very flexible and to make our pro our certification and the services they deliver.

[00:21:23] Very flexible to how it's going to work for them to grow their 

[00:21:26] Alex Glenn: [00:21:26] business. It does. It makes complete sense. So education with the intention of building services around your solution, uh, is the main how to get agencies to really go down this road with you of, I'm not just going to use the product and refer it to my friends.

[00:21:41] I'm really going to build a business out of this relationship and this product. And it's going to take some of my time as the agency. Yeah. A lot of my time as the agency, it's going to take me getting my team to buy in on this product and the idea of building a service, it's going to take a lot. So as the partnership team is concerned, they have to make that not a no-brainer.

[00:22:00] I don't think anything's a no brainer, but they have to make that a very logical yes. For the team to say, you know what, if we're going to do this video card as the partner that we'd love to have, what I like about your program the most is your very detailed and comprehensive partner track that you guys put the bulk let's, let's forget about the impacts of the world, but talk about the 80% of partners.

[00:22:23] Most of those agencies that will be on this type of track. So I want to hear what comprises your partner, track the main. Sections of the timeline, you know, what are those big steps that they need to take from tinkering to maybe referring one of their clients and co-selling with you to opening up and starting to really push a new service?

[00:22:43] What are those main components of your part? 

[00:22:45] Rob Sale: [00:22:45] It'll depend a little bit on whether or not, um, they are familiar with video, just getting started with video where they're sort of video maturity is and, um, and you know, that's, uh, there's a, there's a recommended start point for. Every level of video maturity that, um, we can do and move right into.

[00:23:04] Um, if somebody is just getting started and I, you know, the best place to start, I mean, download all these free tools where our product led growth company, there's free tools inside of HubSpot through HubSpot video can download our, our Chrome extension and start using it and start seeing some of those, um, benefits for themselves and feeling that as well.

[00:23:23] And just, um, Uh, when you start to use it and see the benefits you start to, they know agencies will immediately apply that to, Oh man, this would be great for customer X. Right? That's a great place to start. We have so many free tools and guides and things to get started. And that's kind of, I guess, you know, at tinkering phase that you talked about to get some, some confidence around that Dan tire at HubSpot is awesome for this.

[00:23:48] It's like. He's doing partner tracks all the time on how to be just better, better business development reps, right. How to up their sales game. And video is like the leading thing that he does in all of his programming. Right? That's the, that's the number one thing you can do? I think he called it, you know, the greatest advancement in sales in the last 30 years.

[00:24:12] That's that's step one. Uh, after that, if you are familiar with video, then, then it becomes a discussion around, uh, you know, where are you at your vetting maturity model? How do we apply this across your business? Both marketing and it, and in sales. And, uh, we, we focus there and we focus on a, more of a holistic.

[00:24:34] Uh, approach around video and we start to add video into strategies of sales and marketing, which is really key. And then we almost, we get to this video mastery stage, and that is where strategy execution tech stack. Full adoption across the board are fully realized. And the benefits of the ROI is fully articulated, um, in there.

[00:24:59] So what we do as we get a partner on board, we assess where they're at in the video, which maturity, the model, we, we develop a customized launch launch and training program for them so that they can migrate up at the, up those tiers into a video mastery stage video mastery. Doesn't come really quick though.

[00:25:17] Video mastery is probably going to be, you know, a two year long exercise, but they can quickly elevate themselves into other, other categories of competency really, really quickly. And I think again, customizing each partner's journey around that video maturity, um, and help them get them, help them get to that next stage.

[00:25:38] It's so critical as a part of our, uh, partner enablement program. Thank 

[00:25:42] Alex Glenn: [00:25:42] you for laying that out. So that's beautiful. So that's, um, perfect segue into the end of this conversation where we're going to hone in on really what happens, you know, what are the exchanges that take place? What are some of the key messaging and assets composition that you need to have to make this system run?

[00:25:59] And then while you're talking about that, focus in on maybe one of the key SLPs that your partner team executes. That really brings probably the most impact for the program if there is one or two. So talk to me again about some of the essential things that you have to do during that track to make sure that the partners are progressing through and getting through quickly and then focus in on maybe one thing that you've really tested a bunch or iterated on.

[00:26:28] And gotten really crystal clear and working in the program. Yeah. And you'd like to 

[00:26:32] Rob Sale: [00:26:32] share what's critical upfront is establishing a shared set of goals. Um, having executive buy-in across the board, having the right players at the table. When we kick off this partnership too many times, I have seen partnerships kickoff with one person.

[00:26:46] That may be their individual goal. They try to loop people in. They don't have a clue what's going on. It hasn't been articulated within the new organization. That's just such a hard place to be, to kick something off successfully. So we always want to make sure all the players are at the table. All the players understand why they're at the table and what the opportunity is.

[00:27:05] And then we all have a shared set of goals that we're working towards and we hold each other accountable. If you want one sort of key area. That is so critical to the success of our, our partnerships, uh, to set it off on the right foot with the right, right resources and the right executive commitment behind it.

[00:27:24] Cause you've, as you rightly pointed out, I mean, there is a time commitment here and on both sides, we want to make sure that, uh, that's not just done in frivolous frivolously. Uh, but there it's coordinated and, um, our approaches, right. And then from an asset point of view, as they graduate through launch, they graduate through their skillsets.

[00:27:45] Um, it's having a set of assets that are ready to go, so they can really get going quickly. I mean, agencies want to just chomp at the bit to get out there and go. So we really try to focus on speed around that. So a core set of assets that are co-branded with a lot of marketing agencies coming to us and wanting to expand their reach inside of sales.

[00:28:03] So we have lots of. Guides and things that they can co-brand get it, marketing content out there. We're happy to do joint webinars. We're happy to do that. Guest blog posts and get that exposure to our blogging base. Um, all those things are really, really important so that they can attach their brand and, and, you know, our brand being really strong on the sales and marketing side, but that audience as well.

[00:28:25] And then, and then, um, you know, after that, it's about developing playbooks around sales. You know, it's, uh, how do I get that free user that I didn't even know was using it? Um, that's my customer thinking more about video and moving them up into a, into a, um, a bigger service package than what they're currently doing.

[00:28:46] So we have playbooks on like getting free to paid and how to insert your services around that. Um, and making sure that they're successfully surfacing. Um, surfacing those, those opportunities through a really strong understanding of our value prop or joint value prop with HubSpot as well. And, but in very specific terms to them, uh, to HubSpot and how they go to market.

[00:29:12] And I wouldn't say it's perfect. I say there's still a lot of work for us to do there. Um, but we're getting really, really good at this. And I, you know, over the last four courses, I've just taken a look at the numbers and. Um, we're, we've done a really great job since we doubled down on partner enablement.

[00:29:29] On, um, the productivity of our partners has gone through the roof. So, you know, you know, we, we really have done a good job at getting our existing partners to be more successful. And if we do that, then we are in there, the outcome follows. Right. So, um, it's been a pretty, pretty interesting ride and proof positive that doubling down on that investment journey or in that enablement journey is, um, Just so critical to the overall program success.

[00:30:00] What I have here 

[00:30:01] Alex Glenn: [00:30:01] is early on in accountability session with the executives in the agency. So getting them to buy in on who's going to do what, and what's going to happen in the program. And what is the end goal? This could be almost like an executive summary, you know, for the partnership, right? You just want to lay everything out, real crystal clear with them and say, you're going to do this.

[00:30:19] We're going to do this as long as you do what you're going to do and we're going to do what are. What we're going to do, the program is going to be successful for both of us. Exactly had agreed upon early exchange accounts. Obviously you want to get them and their team into whatever account access you're going to give them.

[00:30:33] Um, then obviously more training on the product and go to market strategies. So this is probably something that sort of sits on top as an ongoing. You probably have multiple training calls with multiple team members, uh, but getting them trained on both product. And the go to market strategy, the sales strategy 

[00:30:49] Rob Sale: [00:30:49] of the yard, 

[00:30:50] Alex Glenn: [00:30:50] once they're to a certain point, I guess, in the program, you would do that co-selling and account mapping routines.

[00:30:55] So you start uncovering opportunities inside their pipeline for their video yard users that they did not know were users. And that can work both ways depending on how you guys do it in the agency that you're dealing with, but doing an account mapping routine and getting a solid start to this sales.

[00:31:13] Relationship. 

[00:31:14] Rob Sale: [00:31:14] Okay. Anything that we missed? No, I don't think so. I just add that the account mapping and the start, uh, that go to that first initial 30, 40, 60 days. What you're doing on the go to market should be really focused on the quick wins and getting up and getting success early fast. Don't dump the world on them at that point, give them things that are a little bit more packaged, structured, and allow them to move quickly.

[00:31:38] And that's, I think where. They want to see that success quickly and, and know that they're on that right journey. You have to, as the partner 

[00:31:46] Alex Glenn: [00:31:46] team prove out I've done what I told you, I'm going to do. And this is what's happened. I love that. So checking in with them on all the progress and all of the excitement, keeping that morale, I guess, in place.

[00:31:58] Very cool. So we're going to hear from Dan here in a few minutes. Um, I just want to one last question for you on the account mapping side of things, because this is new for a lot of partner teams. Do you have one or two more words of advice or things that you didn't know when you started that you wish you had known about account map?

[00:32:16] Rob Sale: [00:32:16] Yeah. Account mapping can get unruly really quickly and all over the place. Uh, I suggest long and hard what you want to achieve and what you're trying to get out of it. Uh, early on. So in the crossbeam scenario, you are, you know, you're developing populations that you want to overlap and look at, and those should be very, very specific.

[00:32:35] It shouldn't, it's very easy to get overwhelmed when you start matching up big gigantic CRM databases. And what do I do? How do I go about it? So just to have your game plan ready and make sure that you're, you're just focusing in on a couple of key areas for quick wins. Um, make that very explicit and then start to open things up.

[00:32:55] Once you get a motion going that is working. So they're really, you know, what we found works best as an agency has a point person assigned to this has a point person that's sort of taking that intelligence and going back into the organization and making those connections between accounts, account owners and facilitating that.

[00:33:19] So if there's an owner, Uh, you've got very sort of clear objectives and, and. Um, areas of opportunity that you want to zero in on quickly, those are the best things that have that we found work. Otherwise it can get pretty out of hand pretty quick, Rob. 

[00:33:34] Alex Glenn: [00:33:34] Well, you've been awesome, man. I want to get to Dan's discussion here while we still have time.

[00:33:39] Uh, please, if you are listening to skip to Dan's listen to that, it's going to be something that you want to have both combined in order to get the holistic vision of this program, which is what we're going to try to dig out. But Rob sail, you're awesome. Always awesome, man. Thanks a lot for the 

[00:33:53] Rob Sale: [00:33:53] time.

[00:33:53] Thank you, Alex. Take it away. .

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